R4V Funding Situation - 15 July 2019 [EN]
Funding Situation of the R4V Coordination Platform as of 15 July 2019
Funding Situation of the R4V Coordination Platform as of 15 July 2019
Situation Report
The road map was adopted during the IV International Technical Meeting of the Quito Process, held in the Argentine capital, Buenos Aires, on 4 and 5 July. Government representatives from 14 Latin American and Caribbean countries, as well as UN agencies, regional organizations, development banks and representatives of civil society participated in the meeting, which was convened by the Government of Argentina.
La hoja de ruta fue adoptada durante la IV Reunión Técnica Internacional del Proceso de Quito, realizada el 4 y 5 de julio en Buenos Aires, Argentina. En la reunión, convocada por el Gobierno de Argentina, participaron representantes de 14 gobiernos de América Latina y el Caribe, así como de agencias de Naciones Unidas, cooperación internacional, organismos regionales, bancos de desarrollo y sociedad civil.
Proceso de Quito - Capítulo de Buenos Aires
Quito Process - Buenos Aires Chapter
R4V América Latina y el Caribe, refugiados y migrantes venezolanos en la región - Julio 2019 [ES]
Hoja de Ruta de la IV Reunión Técnica Internacional sobre Movilidad Humana de Nacionales Venezolanos - Proceso de Quito
Road Map of the IV Technical Meeting on Human Mobility of Venezuelan Nationals - Quito Process
R4V Latin America and the Caribbean, Venezuelan refugees and migrants in the region - July 2019 [EN]
GTRM Situation Report April 2019
GTRM Informe de Situación Abril 2019
Respuesta brindada el 03 de julio.
Relatório REACH sobre o perfil socioeconômico e de vulnerabilidade de refugiados e migrantes venezuelanos em três das cidades mais importantes que estiveram no centro dos fluxos de chegada e realocação interna de requerentes de asilo e migrantes venezuelanos: Pacaraima, Boa Vista e Manaus. O ACNUR está disponível para compartilhar dados caso a caso, mapas e outros documentos. Disponível apenas em inglês.
REACH conducted primary data collection between the 21st May and 7th June 2019 in all neighbourhoods in the town of Pacaraima as well as the shelter of Janokoida housing Venezuelan PoCs. UNHCR is available to share case by case data, maps and further documents.
Monthly Inter-Agency report about Venezuela situation in Brazil.
GIFMM Colombia: Situational Report - May 2019